Our Starry Universe Comic

Issue one of the Our Starry Universe comic book is finished and available on the shop. Issue two is pending.


Cover A by Flinn

Cover B by Anonymous Pencils, Diana Greenhalgh Inks, and Raven Monroe Colors

Cover C by Rivald Paiva, Marco Galli, and Sanju Nivangune

Cover D by Jamie Tyndall and Ezequiel Dominguez

Cover G by Marissa Pope and Hedwin Zaldivar

Cover G Alternate by Marissa Pope and Hedwin Zaldivar

Cover H by Ale Garza and Ceci de la Cruz

Cover I by Paolo Pantalena

Cover I Alternate by Paolo Pantalena

Cover J by Cross

Cover K by Diaverik

Cover L by Jason Metcalf and Ivan Nunes

Cover L Alternate by Jason Metcalf and Ivan Nunes

Our Starry Universe Page 1, without lettering

Our Starry Universe, Page 2 unlettered.

Our Starry Universe, Page 3 unlettered

Our Starry Universe, Page 4 unlettered

Please stay tuned for the next issue and check out our other projects while you wait.


Righteous Precipice


Worlds of Fire and Glass